Perspectives of the Primorye fishing industry in the context of the Chinese experience

  • Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Li Fushen

    Mudanjiang Teachers College
    Mudanjiang. China


The aim of the article is to determine the potential, directions and possible effectiveness of the activation of the state policy in the field of fisheries management. The methodological basis of the study is represented by the traditional methods of scientific analysis, technical and economic and logical analysis, economic statistics, etc. The case of the Primorsky egion’s fishing industry is investigated on the basis on numerous studies and statistical data. The current situation was analyzed. It is shown that the raw material orientation and investment passivity lead to a gradual deterioration of the observed industry. General regularities in the global market of hydrobionts are formulated, with a specific reference to the experience of  China. Methods of qualitative transformation of the industry through changes in the raw material and production paradigms are suggested. Considerable attention is paid to aquaculture as a promising area of application of modern biotechnologies.

Keywords: Primorye territory, fish industry, condition, prospects, aquaculture.